July 7, 2023

The main factor that determines your success in the debate is the choice of topic. You must have a deep understanding of the subject and interest in discussing it. An important step to attract listeners to your debate and discussion ideas is the analysis of the target audience. Students rarely manage to come up with a catchy topic that will help prepare the best debate speech.

In this article, we have put together a list of tips to help you understand the importance of choosing a good debate topic. Besides, we have selected over a hundred examples of debatable topics for each subject. Use them as examples or inspiration – and the right theme in your pocket. If you do not have the opportunity to learn tips on choosing a topic, order Assignmentpay.com online paper writing services.

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List of 110+ Controversial Speech Topics

The topic for debate must be controversial so that it can be discussed in a large audience. You should be prepared to defend your opinion and analyze the position of the enemy. If you focus only on pros or cons arguments, this limits your options. Choose the topic you want to discuss, regardless of the outcome of the debate. If nothing comes to mind, study our examples for all college subjects.

Debate Topics on Education

  1. Why is higher education losing relevance?
  2. Do authorities need to ban the use of smartphones at school?
  3. Does college success affect success in life?
  4. Distance learning: advantages and disadvantages
  5. Should homework be canceled?
  6. Gender division in physical education: is it right or not?
  7. Exams negatively affect the learning process.
  8. The government must strengthen school safety.
  9. Is food in school canteens losing popularity?
  10. Private schools and colleges are better than public ones.

Social Debate Topics

  1. Women must be entitled to any position.
  2. Same-sex marriage can raise children.
  3. Over-the-counter medical drugs.
  4. Detention violates human rights.
  5. Fines for speeding should be increased.
  6. Abortion must be allowed.
  7. Violence in custody is unacceptable.
  8. Can social networks cause depression?
  9. Can domestic violence be controlled?
  10. Socialization negatively affects introverts.

Debating on Environmental

  1. Plastic production should be prohibited.
  2. Vegetarianism and veganism can save our planet.
  3. Articles made of genuine leather and fur should be prohibited.
  4. Public transport is better than a personal car.
  5. Industrial enterprises destroy the ozone ball.
  6. Products must be sold in paper bags.
  7. Everyone should have a coffee mug.
  8. With each paper abstract, the number of trees is reduced.
  9. Cars must use electricity.
  10. Ecotourism as a solution to the future.

Political Topics Ideas

  1. Every citizen can express an opinion on the government.
  2. The media distort the events in the life of politicians.
  3.  What are the disadvantages of a democratic system?
  4. Do deputies have to maintain pages on social networks?
  5. Is online advertising used as political propaganda?
  6. Should the repeated term be canceled?
  7. Do I need to increase the age for voting rights?
  8. Should prison inmates vote?
  9. The government should reduce the costs of the election campaign.
  10. US foreign policy is not well-targeted.

Debate Topics on Technology

  1.  Technology is the cause of degradation.
  2. Due to the development of technology, millions of people will lose their jobs.
  3. Medicine is developing along with technology.
  4. Do technologies suppress emotions and feelings?
  5. Does artificial intelligence harm humanity?
  6. Technology must be studied at school.
  7. Does technological progress alienate or bring people together?
  8. Cybercrime: Does technology development threaten each of us?
  9. Do we need to create spaces without technology?
  10. Machines and equipment – the reason for reducing life expectancy.

Strong Topics on Law

  1.  The legal profession will always be relevant.
  2. How to protect yourself from violence during arrest and interrogation.
  3. Everyone must know the Constitution.
  4. Legal studies must be paid.
  5. Everyone should have the right to euthanasia.
  6. Freedom of speech: what restrictions should be established?
  7. Politicians must have a law degree.
  8. How to behave if you witness a bribe?
  9. Jurisprudence is the most sought after specialty.
  10. In high school should be taught law.

Economics Debate Topics

  1. Wars occur due to economic instability.
  2. Financial education is one of the success factors.
  3. Why are international loans economically sound?
  4. Do you need to study as an economist at a university?
  5. Does the economy affect family relationships?
  6. Inflation limits educational opportunities.
  7. Is economic circulation overvalued?
  8. Economics as science will always be relevant.
  9. Can technology development strengthen the economy?
  10. The global economy rests on the leading countries.

Healthcare Topics

  1. The medicine must be expensive.
  2. Are private clinics better than public hospitals?
  3. Sport – the path to health or the choice of everyone?
  4. Veganism will solve all health problems.
  5. Each of us needs an interval diet.
  6. Will healthy eating prevent an environmental disaster?
  7. Is the role of sugar exaggerated?
  8. Parents should cultivate a nutritional culture in their children.
  9. Physical education should be a compulsory subject.
  10. In a healthy body, is a healthy mind true or a myth?

Fun Debate Topics

  1. Why are girls always late?
  2. A woman can not do business?
  3. Quit College and Become Successful: The Real Success Stories of Great People
  4. Why are some people afraid of doctors?
  5. Children can teach us to be immediate.
  6. A woman driving more collected than a man
  7. Why are women the most qualified managers?
  8. How to develop multitasking in a few minutes?
  9. Are all diseases from nerves or vice versa?
  10. Children should not be punished for misconduct.

More Fun Topics for Debating

  1. Can a child re-educate himself?
  2. Putting your phone next to you at night is dangerous.
  3. Does the microwave kill us?
  4. Should children be punished for bullying?
  5. Walking school affects the future of the child.
  6. Like father, like son?
  7. Will three days off improve productivity?
  8. Can water be harmful?
  9. College does not improve knowledge.
  10. All selections are won in advance.

Debate Topics on Family and Social Life

  1.  Scandals between parents affect the formation of the personality of the child.
  2. Is society the cause of antisociality?
  3. The upbringing of the child affects his character.
  4. Why do some people like living without a family?
  5. Is creating a family a sign of a person’s maturity?
  6. Why are we offended by our parents?
  7. Should the family be above all?
  8. Disrespect in the family lowers a person’s self-esteem.
  9. Introverts are more unpredictable than extroverts.
  10. Can society re-educate a person?

How to choose the right one topic to debate?

The process of selecting controversial debate topics is divided into several stages. They can be sequential or chaotic, but together will help you find the same topic. To choose a suitable topic, you must:

  • Collect the controversial topics you want to explore. This may be the problem you are trying to solve or lengthy reasoning. Think about what you would like to discuss with professionals.
  • Analyze your target audience. If these are your classmates, review the list of debate topics covered. Spectators should be pre-prepared for the discussion to have their position. In marketing, this is called a “warm customer.”
  • Explore resources. You must reinforce your point of view with credible sources to earn the trust of your audience. Before writing the script, make sure that you have enough materials on the chosen topic of debates.
  • Be polite. Regardless of the outcome of the debate, keep a low profile. Show your confidence without raising the tone. While the opponent is talking, make notes and think about the answer.

The main stages in the selection of interesting debate topics are the choice of purpose and analysis of the target audience. If you are sure that you have addressed these questions, you have a good chance of succeeding.

What is your goal when debating

The purpose of the debate is to find a solution to the issue by reaching a compromise. Each participant must show critical thinking to form their approach to solving the problem. Remember that your opponent has the right to his point of view, and there is some truth in it. You need not squabble, but join forces to achieve a common result.

The goal of your performance is to show the reasoning and evaluation skills of data. Through debate, you can earn the trust of both the audience and the teacher. Therefore, you must know the subject and be able to evaluate the information for credibility.

Focus on your target audience

If you know in advance who will be among the listeners, determine their level of knowledge. You should review the notes on the subject you will be discussing. Your topic should not be new to the audience. On the contrary, make sure that everyone can take a certain position.

Find the topic you feel strongly with

You must be involved in the discussion, want to achieve a positive result and resolve the issue. If the topic does not interest you, you have no desire to collect convincing arguments and prove your point. Viewers will see and feel this, and you will not get their sympathy. However, if the topic of debate evokes your emotions and desire to discuss it, this will be an impetus for cool performance.

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We can create a unique topic for your debate!

To select a relevant topic, you need to spend a lot of time. You should study our instructions, collect the necessary resources and research your debate topics. You probably want someone to come up with a catchy topic while you relax. The experts of Assignmentpay will choose an excellent topic of debate and prepare a quality paper. With our help, you will forget about wasting time and immediately go on to prepare for the performance.

Frequently asked questions

What is a debatable question?

This is a question that can be discussed from different angles. Moreover, your opinion may vary depending on the resources processed.

What are the best topics to debate?

Choose a topic that is actively discussed in the community. You can browse through different forums to research people’s positions.

What is a debatable issue?

This is a question that does not have a single answer. To put it another way, the winner of the debate will be the person who better presents his arguments.

What are good school debate topics?

For school debates, choose simple and straightforward topics. Use our 110+ of the best current debate topics. Focus on audience knowledge, not yours.

What makes a good debate topic?

Here are some differences from a good debate topic:

  • It sounds concise and laconic.
  • This is discussed in a few credible sources.
  • This makes you want to continue the discussion.
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